Dedicated Server Dreaming

Those that create web sites like myself mostly rely on shared hosting, but we all dream of getting big enough to have our own server.
I moved up last sumer to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) which is like dedicated server lite. You have pretty much total control but you still share some resources.
Dedicated Servers are

Google Reader – Finally Tried It Tonight

Man am I slow. Google Reader has been out a good while and I am just now giving it a try. It is really nice and fast to get going with.
If you have a Google Account just follow the above link and log in. Click Add Subscription on the left and easily search for your

Credit Card Rewards

Hopefully you aren’t like me and asleep at the wheel when it comes to Credit Card rewards. I have several cards dating back over the years. One of the newer ones keeps hyping "what’s in your wallet" and it got me to thinking about  rewards.
Rewards are somtimes referred to as miles or points. The revelation

Holy Spirit Pin 18 Years Later

My friend Vince fished with me for a year ending in the Spring of 1989. In April of that year we were in Bayou Lacassine and pulled up under a Cypress tree to eat our lunch.

Vince had this nice little Holy Spirit pin on his hat and the back band broke. Well those cheap caps are throwaways but the pin was to nice. He spontaneously stuck it in a big cypress like you would a tack on a bulletin board.

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